07 542 4310

33 Ashley Place, Papamoa

Day Care Rates

DAY CARE RATES (per day)

Casual Rate5 Days Paid10 Days Paid
Small $35.00 $34.00 $33.00
Medium $42.00 $41.00 $40.00
Large $45.00 $44.00 $43.00
*All dogs must be registered, fully vaccinated (including Kennel/Canine Cough), males neutered after 6 months of age, and females not in heat. Please bring in your dogs vet book for confirmation of vaccinations before their first visit.
An assessment of your dog is required before they can start having fun with all their new friends!
Please note prices are subject to change without notice, last updated April 2022
The full daycare cost will be applied irrespective of how long your dog is in daycare (we do not apply hourly or half day rates).